Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thoughts and Feelings

I love my life! I really do! I am very happy right now and very content. I have an amazingly wonderful husband that loves me inside and out. All my moods and all. And he loves me after knowing me longer pregnant than not since we first met!! He love me even when I get crazy ideas like painting my computer room/nursery PURPLE and goes out with me to buy the paint, knowing HE'S the one who is going to have to paint the room! I have 4 fantastic, well behaved, healthy, smart and happy children. With any luck 2 more just like them on the way. I love my tiny little house. I can clean it top to bottom spotless in 4 hours! It's perfect, we all fit in it. It keeps us safe and cool in the summer and warm in the winter, it's clean and organized and well, just perfect! We have all the necessities we need and plenty of the things we want as well. I have the best family, extended and all. I love my small circle of devoted friends. I love my husbands job! It was given to us by Heavenly Father I KNOW it! It has been a joy in Daniels life! He LOVES IT!! He comes home happy! He leaves for work happy! He works with wonderful people! Now who can say that about their job? I get to stay home with my children! I get to take them to school and pick them up and hear about their fun day. I get to experience all my children's firsts. I am the one who cleans their boo-boo's and wipes their tears when they get hurt, I'm the one who makes sure they are eating correctly. I get to see the funny and not so funny things they do through out the day. It's fabulous! I am so lucky! I wouldn't have it any other way! I am just SO HAPPY! Life is wonderful! Without the bad things that happen we would never know we were experiencing the good things. I acknowledge the good that is happening right now, with full knowledge the bad will come one day. But we just take it one day at a time. I can go on and on, but I'll stop. Today... is excellent!

Pregnancy: Despite having all my energy sucked out of me by 11:00am every day, I feel... like a pregnant woman with twins should. I can't walk without a limp due to strain on my stomach muscles (so I waddle). But at least I can walk! I don't get that hungry really. Hence the fact I've only gained 9lbs in 21 weeks! But I do eat and I eat healthy. I know the weight will be revealing itself here shortly :-) I LOVE feeling these babies move around. It's so cute! The KIDS love feeling the babies move around too! They are constantly giving my belly (the babies) kisses and hugs (or pushes). Sleeping is uncomfortable and it takes me a good hour or two to settle down (usually with the help of my husband massaging my hands or something) but at least I get sleep! I do get plenty of sleep once I am settled.

I guess that sums up what's been on my mind lately. I feel very peaceful with my life right now. It's a great feeling.


Jim said...

Oooh, I love this! I have commented lately to a few different people how I just LOVE this period of life. It is crazy with such little ones each with so many individual needs, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Glad you are enjoying life, too! (And that is saying something, coming from a PREGNANT woman!)

Becca said...

What a nice place to be! I too love life and my two little ones - but sleep deprivation takes it toll...

Lesley said...

Wow I love your life too! You have a a terrific attitude it sounds like you are really enjoying the journey. I hear you on enjoying how long it takes to clean, when we lived in the travel trailer i was finished cleaning before I got out of bed :)